Under Ethan McSweeny's astute guidance, 100 Saints You Should Know's first-rate cast is beautifully alert to the recurrent sense of missed opportunity built into Fodor's writing- those moments in which tentative gestures of goodwill are overlooked or deflected and the ripples of defensiveness that follow. At its best, this gentle lovely new play leaves you not just touched but more sensitive to the value of touch itself.Adam Feldman, Time Out New York
Ms. Fodor has a fine sense of the forms of emotional aggression, passive and otherwise, that can infuse even the most banal exchanges between parents and children at loggerheads, as well as a good ear for the kinds and curls of speech of people of different generations and education. These gifts are most appealingly on display in the early scenes that set up these fractious relationships…A standard stalemate debate between Abby and Theresa on the usual teenager-parent subjects (school, sex, bad influences) has a piquant ring of realness that keeps it from congealing into cliches.Ben Brantley, New York Times
Fodor is blessed with a handsome production. Her plays many short scenes are sensitively and fluidly staged by Ethan mcSweeny.Elyse Sommer, Curtain Up
Kate Fodor, bless her sympathetic soul, has just the right qualities. Her thoughtful and affecting 100 Saints You Should Know….might have yielded little more than a Raymond Carver story if not fo an exquisite cast, expertly directed by Ethan McSweeny. Thanks to some go-for-broke choices, impressive young Zoe Kazan makes the daughter seem part cherub and part imp- a touchingly vulnerable hellion.Jeremy McCarter, New York Magazine
Ethan McSweeny's production is exemplary... The actors are exceptional, with Jeremy Shamos delivering the finest performance of his career as the troubled priest, Matthew; Janel Moloney as Theresa and Zoe Kazan as Abby, both splendid; the formidable Lois Smith as Colleen, exhibiting palpable chemistry with Shamos that really raises the stakes in their difficult mother/son relationship.Martin Denton, Nytheatre.com
Rachel Hauck's set, dominated by a big silver tree and characterized by screens and set pieces that slide and circle magically around the stage to reveal the various locations in the play, feels like the perfect home for Fodor's thoughtful drama...It's a propitious start to the fall off-Broadway season.Martin Denton, NYTheater.com
Rachel Hauck's elegant rotating set (gorgeously lit by Jane Cox) effectively avoids the too many startk blackouts typical of this structure. The five excellent actors succeed in making the most of their characters' vulnerabilities and downplaying their essentially standard issue qualities.Elyse sommer, Curtain Up
Sets - Rachel Hauck
Lights - Jane Cox
Costumes - Mimi O'Donnell
Sound - Matt Hubbs